Apr 26, 2018
Jenell starts most of her projects from a space of innovation and creativity. She constantly looks to what is missing for her next task. She started Kinky Curly Coily Me because she didn't see information online for black women about natural hair and the journey to going natural.
After growing as a woman, becoming...
Apr 19, 2018
Rachel MontaƱez got used to sleep deprivation as most of us moms do. But, she realized that she needed to make a change. She retrained herself using methods she discovered and is now helping other moms find ways to get better sleep for themselves. She is seeing high profile professionals talk more about how they...
Apr 10, 2018
Lisa Jean-Francois is the face and name behind Lisa A...
Apr 5, 2018
Marsha Barnes is a finance expert with over 17 years in the financial industry, a military spouse, and mom of 1. She knew that she wanted to do more when her parents and best friend were laid off - the financial crisis hit too close to home. So, she began teaching financial literacy to help them handle these huge...